Components of the Method
- Entrepreneurs are everywhere
- Entrepreneurship is management
- Validated learning
- Build-Measure-Learn
- Innovation accounting
Why Startups Fail
- Allure of a good plan, solid strategy, and thorough market strategy.
- Throwing up your hands and saying, "Just Do It"
Lesson: *Important to manage the process of management properly to ensure that passion, energy, and vision are not put to waste."
Three Primary Points:
Definition and discipline through validated learning
Being with leap-of-faith assumptions, build minimum viable product to test assumptions and accounting system to evaluated whether you are making progress or if a pivot is necessary.
Lean manufacturing, org. design, and how to apply those to a startup to accelerate the growth process.
Part I: Vision
- Lean startup asks people to figure out the right thing to build - the thing customers want and will pay for - as quickly as possible
- Validated Learning:
- What causes demonstrable positive improvements in core metrics?
- What are our core metrics?
- Effort that does not lead to better learning about what the customer wants can be eliminated (not asking is it just that we can build this product; rather, ask should we?)
- Experimenting is super important! Make hypotheses and test them.
- Experiment is more than just a theoretical enquiry, it is also a first product!
- Test the value hypothesis - does it really add value to the customers once using it?
- Test the growth hypothesis how will new customers discover a product or service?
- Useful often to have a concierge customer
Four Questions to Answer
- Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve?
- If there was a solution, would the buy it?
- Would they buy it from us?
- Can we build a solution for that problem?
Part II: Steer
Feedback Loop
- Ideas > Build > Product > Measure > Data > Learn > Ideas > Etc.: Minimize total time through this loop
- Minimum Viable Product version of the product that enables a full turn of the build-measure-learn loop
- As a part of the org's strategy, need to be able to test assumptions systematically and to test without losing sight of the comapny's overall vision:
- Core Assumption 1: Value Hypothesis
- Core Assumptions 2: Grwoth Hypothesis
- Various ways to leap:
- "Go see for yourself!" - where do we have deep firsthand knowledge?
- External customer data
- Customer archetype - who are our customers? Can we humanize them?
- Interesting Concept: Wizard of Oz Testing
- Targeting early adopters as "Testing grounds"
- Important to ask: "What if the user doesn’t care about the design in the same way we do?"
Measure. Yee.
- Job of startup in measurement is...
- Rigorously measure where it is right now, confronting the hard truths.
- Devise experiments to learn how to move the real numbers clsoer to the ideal reflected int he business plan (does this mean we should have a business plan?)
- Innovation accounting is a system to check if we are making progress and actually achieving validated learning. Turning leap-of-faith assumptions into a quantifeied financial model:
- Use an MVP to establish real data on where the company is right now
- Tune the engine from the baseline toward the ideal
- After all changes it can make, decision has to be made: Pivot, or preserve?
- Think about cohort analysis vs. pure chronological performance
- Three types of metrics:
- Actionable Metrics: kind we use to judge our business and our learning milestones
- Important to have demonstrated cause and effect so that they can be learned from (vs. vanity metrics)
- Farbs user stories: Stories that describe feature from POV of customer vs. technical numbers
- Balance time spent getting data and getting genuine feedback and stories to guide future actions. Metrics are people too. Everyone should understand reports.
- Split Test Benefits: Saves time in long run by eliminating work that doesn't matter to customers.
- Actionable Metrics: kind we use to judge our business and our learning milestones
- Metrics should also be auditable; that is, credible to employees.
To Pivot or Preserve?
- Pivoting = structured course correction to test new hypothesis
- Better to pivpt sooner than later
- Learning Milestones force Pivot or Preserve (not meant to make the decision easy)
- Runway: How many pivots does a startup have left before it has to take off?
Types of Pivots
- Zoom-in pivot: What preciously was considered a single feature in a product becomes the whole product.
- Zoom-out pivot: What was considered as the whole product becomes a single feature of a much larger product.
- Customer segment pivot: The product hypothesis is partially confirmed, solving the right problem, but for a different customer than originally anticipated.
- Customer need pivot: The product hypothesis is partially confirmed: the target customer has a problem worth solving, just not the one that was originally anticipated.
- Platform pivot: Refers to a change from an application to a platform or vice versa.
- Business architecture pivot: For example when a startup goes from high margin/low volume to mass market or vice versa.
- Value capture pivot: how do companies capture value?
- Engine of growth pivot: A company changes its growth strategy to seek faster or more profitable growth.
- Channel pivot: Is the recognition that the same basic solution could be delivered through a different channel with greater effectiveness.
- Technology pivot: When discovering a technology to achieve the same solution by using a completely different technology.
Part III: Accelerate:
- Sustainable growth comes from one of three engines of growth:
- Paid
- Viral
- Sticky
- Depending on the engine of growth that is targeted, there will be different metrics of growth and success and prioritization, etc.
- Small batches help by minimizing expenditure of time, money, and effort that ultimately turn out to have been wasted. Let people discover the truth faster.
- You can make changes at the individual customer level - using the student of one concept. If the changes work well there, you can expand the change to the rest of the class!
- Four primary ways that past customers drive sustainable growth:
- Word of mouth
- Side effect of products usage
- Funded advertising
- Repeated purchase or use
- Five whys are useful
- Startup's work is never done!
- You cannot trade quality for time
- Adaptive processes have a natural feedback loop!
- Three structural attributes to startup:
- Scarce but secure resources: Too much is just as bad as too little!
- Independent authority to develop business: autonomy to conceive and experiment without getting too many approvals!
- Personal stake in the outcome
- Innovation Sandbox: Contains impact of innovation but doesn't constrain methods of the startup team.
- Less important how fast we can build - more important is how fast we get through the entire loop
- Lean startup is a framework and not of a set of defined steps!